My Ways

This is my story, Not yours!

Nothing but the truth!

Friendship is key!

Amendment #1 baby.

Don't get involved!

500 points of doom!

Well its that time of week where I get on and reflect on all the things that have happened over the week and share my side of the story with you guys.

Seeing how it was the second to last week of school I thought it was going to be a work free fun week, that was not the case however. Sure Monday and Tuesday we do little assignments and I don't really mind, but on Wednesday all of a sudden I have a bunch of crap to do and NOOOO drive what so ever to do it. Theatre we have musical interps (Musical Interpretations. Basically you sing a song that is from a musical. Gag me) to do and I didn't do it and wasn't going to do it and told myself "I am not going to do this". It turns out that they are worth 500 points! EhFF! So it came to the point where it was my turn with nothing ready and about to loose 500 points when I realized I could just B.S my way through it and get some points. Well my teacher wasn't to happy with my idea and said she would give me a redo since I at least TRIED something. So I got to thinking "She said if we get a 0 on this we would have a F in the class...but she has sooo many things in there that are worth hundreds of points each so it can't take us down that much".

So me being totally smart I added up all of the points and we have a "Total Points Possible" from the entire term of....Three-thousand seven-hundred twenty five!!! 3725 points out of the whole term (that is including the musical interps). Now take off 500 and that gets you 3225. Divide 3225 by 3725 and you get 87%. Last time I checked 87% was not a F but somewhere in the B to B+ range. Soo this whole thing wont screw me if I don't do it...but I am at least going to "try" to do something.

Now you might think "oh Dude you are a lazy piece of crap!". I will have you know that I did all of my other homework and I got 91% on my final map quiz in Carter's class (but sadly I forgot to do a current event (which makes me really mad) and I am still at a C+ (which makes me really mad)). So I am not totally lazy...I just don't want to do a musical interp.

On to more fun things.

There WAS a Rhapsody party scheduled today but it got postponed due to a chance of rain. =/ darn. So today I don't know what I am going to do...I have an idea of what to do though.

Yesterday (Friday) my parents went to St. George to pick up my grandma so for the night me and my sister had the house (well I had the house...she was at work then went off with her friends). My thoughts were "cool no parents to say 'no you can't go there' and I will be able to party it up". turns out that due to them being gone and my sister being gone and my lack of a licence I can't go much of anywhere. So I was stuck at home all night and didn't go anywhere. Would have gone to Tyler's but he was (or is) at some Baseball tournament. You would think I would know the exact story because he is my best friend...but once he starts to talk about his baseball team I tune him out. He may be my best friend...but I don't know a ton about the kid. We have a friendship of "dude I don't want to, am not going to, and never will know you inside and out, that is not how I am going to roll". We aren't like Amy and Courtney who know every little detail about each other...which is cool because that means they are great friends and we all need great friends, but me and Tyler don't roll that way.

So if you have a question about Tyler I might be able to answer about 70% of em...probably less because people usually ask questions that only the BFF would know. Usually it's "Jason who does Tyler like" and to be honest I have tried to get it out of him but he wont budge so I gave up and thought "it honestly doesn't matter because if it did we would end up in a competition over a girl". So I have noooo clue about who he likes. Again, he may be my best friend, but I don't know him that well.

So the coming week is the last week of school. All I have to do is survive Wednesday because I know Tuesday wont be horrible...unless I am forgetting something in English, which I probably am like always. The events of Wednesday are: 1. My musical interp that I have been putting off so much to the point where I say I don't want to do it and I B.S my way through but she end up giving me a redo and even though it's worth 500 points I still will get a B if I don't do it (maybe B- but nothing lower). 2: A TEST! In math on the last week of school...holy shiz. 3. Rhapsody will be "Miner in a mess because she didn't plan things well enough". 4. Carter will throw out some random thing that will screw over my grade even more.

Fun =/

Oh well. Thursday is Lagoon day and Friday is the last day of school. Then it is summer and hopefully I will be able to find fun things to do.

Peace out Girl-Scout!

Love you!

3 tabs.

I live a pretty simple life. I have realized that. I don't do anything really, just sit here with my 3 tabs. When I'm not playing WoW but I'm on the computer this is basically how it goes.

Facebook: Just a check then leave it open just in case someone wants to chat and constantly refreshing to see what stupid groups people are joining.

YouTube: Just to check my subscriptions and listen to some music if I feel like it.

Blogger/Blogspot/whatever the heck this is called: Just to write these posts that you people read.

Wow I am living on the edge let me tell you. Action just flows through these veins....I need to do more crap, and productive crap at that because I can't handle anymore sitting around doing nothing with a group of people. We could at least do something stupid and out of the blue like walk to Wal-Mart and get kicked out. So my goal is to do more crap over the summer. I think I have talked about this before...oh well. Until then I will sit there with my 3 tabs open.

What else am I suppose to do at 10:46 at night? Go to bed? Naaahhhh. So that's all I can really do because I'd rather sit and write something with no point while listening to music than sit on WoW seeing what people say, I can't do much on there that wouldn't take up at least 30 minutes of my time and I never know when my mom will come down and kick me off, which she always does. Why doesn't she just go to bed? It's not like I need to be tucked in. I know I can't stay up all night and I get myself up every morning. Can I have a little leniency? I can put in ear phones so you wont have to hear anything.

Last but not least I would enjoy a position at Dunder Mifflin as a paper salesman. I WILL become the best Dunder Mifflin paper salesman ever...even better than Dwight! That was kind of a joke to say I need a job.

Peace out Girl-Scout!

Love you!


Let me burst your bubble right from the get-go. The title is not about my crush, its about crush soda because I had half of a two letter thing of it. So consider you bubble bursted.


A great man said once said this "Time heals all wounds...except these crazy eyes I guess". Yes that is from Mr. Deeds. But that statement is true, time heals all wounds. Give things enough time and every little thing is gunna be ok.

Me and the KBB have come to an agreement that we both over reacted about a thing-that-shan't-be-named-but-it-ruined-life-for-the-both-of-us-for-a-while. Boy am I sooo glad that we could both step down and actually talk instead of avoiding each other. I will say she took the first step into fixing all of this so yes she was the mature one in all of this, but I quickly responded with my agreeing and now things are all better.

Thank you KBB and I am glad we can be friends again.


Weekend update time.

Well school is coming to a close fairly quickly and as of now my grades are sitting at 4 A's, 1 A-, 1 B+, and 1 B-. THANK THE LORD! I am going to finish out the school year with some great grades and no C of any kind...that is unless my semester project in CARTER's brings me down....oh dear. I am at the very edge of a B- with a 80.6% and if I lose that .6% then I will get a C+ because I only got 70% on my semester project (stupid work cited pages and I ALWAYS forget them) and he hasn't put it in yet. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stay at at least a B-!

Well lets go to a sad note now.

I LOST MY FLIPPIN ITOUCH!!!!!! My guess is it slipped outta my pocket some time during the day and now it is no where to be seen. =( And because I ACCIDENTALLY lost that my parents don't trust me with a video camera. So now I can't get that either! Life is devastating! Oh well, people have it worse.

Back to happy.

Today me and Ashlyn finally played each other in basketball after a week or two of saying we wanted to but never doing it. Well let me tell you how this went down.

Right when she challenged me I thought "Oh my! I am going to KILL Ashlyn in BBall. She has no chance. I bet she isn't even that good. I bet she wont even score". Yup, that's my little cocky side coming out. Well I did get an early lead and she did come back twice but in the end I won. EAT IT! I told her she would loose. Not that I am trying to be mean to her, she played WAY better than expected and it was kinda a slap in the face for me. I think the reason I won is because I am kinda tall and defense is my best game. Without my defense she probably would have won, because I can not make a shot for the life of me. I have a little secret to playing D, the key is to look at their belly button because their eyes head and the ball could be doing one thing but they always go where their belly button goes. Now that I think of it I probably looked REALLY creepy staring at her stomach and breathing so hard in the crouched position I was in...but I'm sure she wasn't creepped out by least I hope not.

Afterwards we headed over to Adam Beiber's house and watched a movie. That was cool all the way up until the point where the couch was crowded as heck and my legs where smashed together making my boxers and shorts bundle up and my legs sticking together from sweat and no where to put my arms but uncomfortably on the top of the couch, but I was NOT going to move. We watched Hitch which is one of the best movies ever made...ok everyone says that about every its one of the best in its category. We kinda decided it was a chick flick...but for a mick flick...then I thought well its for dudes...and you can guess what the name is when you combine dude and chick. Not the best name ever.

It ended up being a good night but I have a headache from probably lack of water and to much soda and chips.

Peace out Girl-Scout!

Love you!

Behind the Mind: P.O.G.S-L.Y

If you may not have noticed, which most of you have, I end EVERY single post with:

Peace out Girl-Scout!

Love you!

And some of you may be wondering why. Well I am here to answer that question right now.

I LOVE my sister! She is the only reason I am cool like I am, or have any cool-ness at all. When we were little we did NOT like each other that much. I would yell at her, she would yell at me, and our parents would yell at both of us. This went on until I got into Jr. High and my sister was in her Junior year of High School when she realized "My brother is a little dork and is going to get beat up in Jr. High unless I come to the rescue". And that is what she did. She saved me from a world of no friends and bad dressing and all around what not to be. For that I owe her a GREAT deal of thanks and ever since we have become better and better friends.
Though we don't really hang out, but we do live together (well if she isn't up at USU then we do), and so we see each other when she is home. Now our schedules don't exactly line up. When I get home from school she goes off to work. By the time she gets back I am usually doing something and she goes off with her friends. Though last summer was different and we actually saw a lot of each other. I would be getting up and just starting to get ready for the day and she was usually leaving shortly after. She had this thing of saying "Peace out Girl-Scout!" whenever she left and I just had the natural habit to yell back "Love you!" and this went on most every day for last summer.

That has always been inside my head of her just saying "Peace out Girl-Scout!" and me yelling "Love you!". It became part of my life. So when I made this blog I wanted to have something I would put at the end of every post as kind of a sign off. That almost immediately popped into my head and ever since I have ended my posts with "Peace out Girl-Scout! Love you!". The acronym is just there so I could fit it into the title.

So that is my little ode to my sister I put into every post.

Peace out Girl-Scout!

Love you!

Where has the time gone?

Well for the past 2 weeks all I have been doing is school related stuff. Mainly the Mystery Maze that my theatre class is doing, but also having to finish term projects =/. It seems like I have had no chill time to hang out with my friends.

With my total over haul of school my grades are sitting at 3 A's, 1 B+, 1 B, and 2 B-'s (which one should be a B but Carter didn't put in the missing current event I turned in and the other I got a 70% on ONE, that's right, only ONE test and it dropped me to a B- and everything else I have at least 90% on...but oh well at least I don't have any C's). I don't mind having the grades I have right now and would gladly take them and not do anything else for the rest of the year but sadly there is still more work to be done and still room for them to slip up, which hopefully they won't.

Along with all of the dumb projects, we have the Mystery Maze going on, which don't get me wrong, I love it, but I am also REALLY happy that it's ending. I finally won't have to stay after school for practice and then go to school at 6 to perform. It has been really fun and well worth the effort, but its time to come to an end.

So if I keep my grades at a good level my mom says she will get me a camcorder that I have been asking for. No matter what I do she has some excuse to not look at some and says "you need to do this before I will look" and then once I do that she says "Now you have to do this" and then when I do that she says "Not today". Darn parents and their one ended promises! But if life hands you Lemons make grape juice and watch as the world wonders how you did it. So I am going to do anything my mom says to get me that much closer to the camcorder.

With the 2 or 3 weeks of school left me and my friends have our creative glands in our brains on overdrive. (you know what I mean). We have been saying what we plan to do, what we want to do, what we are excited for, and the whole SHI-BANG! My plan is to have a camera, Ipod, and Ipod dock, with me at ALL times. You never know when the opportunity to make a "Fan Made Music Video" (or any video) will happen. Plus if I just so happen to be recording when something hilarious happens that would be cool too. I also need a Ball sack (DON'T TAKE THAT THE WRONG WAY! Those sacks that you put soccer balls in that apparently everyone has but me) so I can conveniently carry all my belongings around without using my hands. Although a tripod might be hard to fit in one of those bags. That shouldn't be to hard to come by.

In the end I just hope things go how I want them too. Good grades and a PIMP summer.

Peace out Girl-Scout!

Love you!

B.o.B - Nothin' On You ft. Bruno Mars [Official Video]

Ya I'm kinda addicted to this song. I can't stop listening to it. IT'S FLIPPIN' AMAZIN'!

Summa planninninnin

So usually I go through most of summer yelling "I AM BORED OUT OF MY FREAKING MIND!" and sitting around doing nothing, but this summer I want to change things up.

I have always wanted to make videos and see my video editing/producing/directing/creating/filming/acting skills and post em on YouTube and become well known that way...but I have never been able to because no matter what I try nothing ever works. But recently I figured out how I will do it.

No I wont explain how I am doing it because it is rather boring.

But anyway all I need is a camera (an actual good one not those crappy flip ones) and some creativity and some friends and boom I will be making videos. And the best part is, is that I actually have friends that want to make videos to. I think I would start with my own version of music videos because I've come up with some sweet ideas for some things. Then from there see what else I can do/figure out.

So to my parents that will soon read this post I say "I NEED A CAMERA! TAKE ME SHOPPING! I MIGHT ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING THIS SUMMER!"

Peace out Girl-Scout!

Love you!

Behind the Mind: The Creation

Along with my "You've been quoted" series I am starting another. "Behind the Mind". In this series I'll talk a little about what my inspiration for all of this is. I will still continue my "Weekly updates" and my "You've been quoted" series. This is so you can see where I got my ideas.

"The Creation". Well my first and for most (IDK if I used that saying right) post is about how I started the blog. I think it is appropriate to have how it started first.

Where most of my life happens this all started at T-Wizzle's house. They are down with Netflix and had a new movie that came in the mail that day. Dan was the one who wanted to get it but we all ended up in their T.V room watching this movie.

I had to leave WAY before anything really happened but what I got out of this was, there are a bunch of newspaper writers trying to solve a murder or something of that sort. The main dude had a blog that he wrote on and that inspired me.

My thoughts: "People can become well known with a blog and people will see what I have to say".

I'm all about having people know me and the whole "I wanna be famous" deal.

So what do I do? I go home and make said blog. My first post was pretty much cheesy as heck and pretty much gay. It went something like "Let us begin this epic adventure of a blog and the power set behind one"....ya LAME! But that is how I got this whole thing started.

Pretty soon some people started reading it and now I have 7 followers, not that it's a ton, but its 7 more than when I started.

Like with everything there are people who wont be happy with you, and this blog has started some contention and has offended some people, but life happens.

Next in the series (which I don't know when I will post it) "P.O.G.S-L.Y" (lets see if anyone could POSSIBLY guess what it is about *heavy sarcasm*)

Peace out Girl-Scout!

Love You!

SNOG! (well cuddle for now)

Have you ever sat by someone of the opposite sex and just wanted to cuddle with them, but didn't want to risk anything. I am sure we all have...that blasted feeling. I don't know what it is but I just always want a girl in my arms...or else a really big teddy bear...but girls are cooler.

There was a time that I would always have a girl in my arms when I wanted a girl in my arms, but those times have passed, but the wanting of a girl in my arms hasn't. I don't mind which girl in particular, I mean they are all really cute, so any girl would work. And not a "I want to spark something" cuddle, just a "eh were buds and we do things like this" cuddle. I guess I will just have to have a giant teddy bear to cuddle with whenever I watch a movie, though that might be a little odd to people and taking it places would be even worse.

So risk it? Or not? Then again just cuddle with every girl that sits by me might work. I wont single out one girl so people wont think of anything and a relationship thing wont form. Cuddle with one, then a different one, then a different one doesn't sound to bad actually. I don't find that being a player or using girls, I find it searching for a future relationship. Then I can see what basses I am on with which girls and I can find girls that, when I am older, would like to further a relationship with. See it all works out.

Then in the end, after my mission, I will SNOG instead of cuddle!
(........ha ha JK.....but seriously)

Peace out Girl-Scout!

Love you!