My Ways

This is my story, Not yours!

Nothing but the truth!

Friendship is key!

Amendment #1 baby.

Don't get involved!

Where has the time gone?

Well for the past 2 weeks all I have been doing is school related stuff. Mainly the Mystery Maze that my theatre class is doing, but also having to finish term projects =/. It seems like I have had no chill time to hang out with my friends.

With my total over haul of school my grades are sitting at 3 A's, 1 B+, 1 B, and 2 B-'s (which one should be a B but Carter didn't put in the missing current event I turned in and the other I got a 70% on ONE, that's right, only ONE test and it dropped me to a B- and everything else I have at least 90% on...but oh well at least I don't have any C's). I don't mind having the grades I have right now and would gladly take them and not do anything else for the rest of the year but sadly there is still more work to be done and still room for them to slip up, which hopefully they won't.

Along with all of the dumb projects, we have the Mystery Maze going on, which don't get me wrong, I love it, but I am also REALLY happy that it's ending. I finally won't have to stay after school for practice and then go to school at 6 to perform. It has been really fun and well worth the effort, but its time to come to an end.

So if I keep my grades at a good level my mom says she will get me a camcorder that I have been asking for. No matter what I do she has some excuse to not look at some and says "you need to do this before I will look" and then once I do that she says "Now you have to do this" and then when I do that she says "Not today". Darn parents and their one ended promises! But if life hands you Lemons make grape juice and watch as the world wonders how you did it. So I am going to do anything my mom says to get me that much closer to the camcorder.

With the 2 or 3 weeks of school left me and my friends have our creative glands in our brains on overdrive. (you know what I mean). We have been saying what we plan to do, what we want to do, what we are excited for, and the whole SHI-BANG! My plan is to have a camera, Ipod, and Ipod dock, with me at ALL times. You never know when the opportunity to make a "Fan Made Music Video" (or any video) will happen. Plus if I just so happen to be recording when something hilarious happens that would be cool too. I also need a Ball sack (DON'T TAKE THAT THE WRONG WAY! Those sacks that you put soccer balls in that apparently everyone has but me) so I can conveniently carry all my belongings around without using my hands. Although a tripod might be hard to fit in one of those bags. That shouldn't be to hard to come by.

In the end I just hope things go how I want them too. Good grades and a PIMP summer.

Peace out Girl-Scout!

Love you!

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