My Ways

This is my story, Not yours!

Nothing but the truth!

Friendship is key!

Amendment #1 baby.

Don't get involved!

Ahh the weekend. and this time I'm not sick!

Well aside from my all favorite web browser breaking on me, and having to use the all retarded Google Chrome, I am just fantastic!

As the words to a very good song would say...

"I FEEL FANTASTIC! And I've never really felt as how I do right now, except for maybe when I think about how I felt that day, when I felt that way, that I do right now"

Though the song is kinda about taking a bunch of med pills if you look past all of that and just look at the chorus (which is up there) its FANTASTIC!

Ever since Thursday I've just been extremely amazing! And today (Friday) has been really good too! And right now I'm chill-laxin on the computer and listening to some music. Also randomly yelling "HINDU" which is oddly really fun, even some of my friends have tried it and they love it =).

I've just had the time to absorb everything good in life! And there is so much good in the world. Why do people dwell on the bad so much? That ain't fun.

Now about my random writer frenzy last night I blame lack of sleep. And I started thinking to much, and about the bad in life.

But now I'm all goody goody goody.

Well its a Friday and I really need to find something to do.

Have fun, stay safe, and may your pants always be dry!

Peace out girl-scout!

Love you!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE days like that! I felt like that most of this week and it's been amazing! It's the kind of feeling that nothing can take you down. You just kind of float over everything; nothing affects you. Things that would normally drive you crazy you can just look down on, laugh, stick out your tongue, and say "just TRY to drag me down! I'm full of helium!!" wow that was a weird comparison. anyway, best feeling ever!
