My Ways

This is my story, Not yours!

Nothing but the truth!

Friendship is key!

Amendment #1 baby.

Don't get involved!

I have time. (just a quick update)

New thing for my blog! If there ever is a * after a word that means I'm not sure on spelling and I'm sorry if it is wrong and you stumble on a word. I've gotten some comments on my spelling. I will try to do this on every post. Thank You!

Well since (LOOK I SPELLED IT CORECTLY! and if I spelled it wrong I FAIL!) my dad kicked me off of WoW and I don't have any homework because I totally Aced a test in Carter's today, and I have half of math class to do my math that is suppose to be for the assignment I'm talking about, and since its the end of the term and everything has already been turned in, I'm going to write on my blog. And that means all of you great people out there are going to be able to read another post of mine! YAY!

First off I'm going to be the true nerd I am! =)

So yesturday afternoon at around 4 I got Tyler's WoW charecter to LVL 80! EPIC! And ever since then I have been running through every dungeon possible to get gear. My guild is pretty much THE SHIZ so they are helping a LOT! Now our plan is for me to get the all mighty, the one I love so much but lost, the one who puts the WAR in warrior, and also the NOO in noob, KAGGOR! (que EPIC WoW music!)

Tyler was looking at all of the cool things I did with his DK (death knight) and said "dude if you get Kaggor back and will run with me I might play WoW again. Maybe not, and you can still play Snowbasin whenever you want". Well my plan is to get Kaggor back (latest time is summer but that would suck and I'm shooting for earlier. But I should really finish out the school year good and work on "The Mystery Maze" wich I will talk about later in this post) and totally pimp him out. Now this might sound crazy to some, and a huge relief to others, but with the new expansion coming out for WoW and how far behind I am compared to everyone else, and plus I can't get into the HUGE raids due to parental smack downs.....I might be coming to the end of WoW. I know, crazy. But its something I have to consider. (dad just because I said that doesn't mean I for sure will and it doesn't mean you can force me to not play it any more...this is MY desicion) But until that day I will be pimpin out some charecters and blowin through dungeons. (I need tank gear for Snow and Kag).

Item number 2 that I am TOTALLY stoked about!


This is our semester project in Theatre 2 we are doing and let me tell you it is THE SHIZ! Now its really hard to explain so I'll do a quick run down. It is split into thirds (so if you want the WHOLE story you will have to come 3 times) and its environmental theatre. So basically we use everything around us and act as if there is no audience. Anyway what you will do is you will choose a set of charecters to follow through this "maze" and you have to find out who the heck is killin' who. EPIC! It's going to be SOOO fun. Mainly because I have a charecter part, which I thought I wouldn't get because Kennedy is "Student Director" (no offence to Kennedy) and she doesn't really like me....says I'm majorly anoying.....but there is a LONG story about that. I don't mind if she hates me, she can do what she wants, but I wouldn't mind being friends. So sence she doesn't like me and she is "Student Director" I thought she would for sure not give me a part, but I guess Lourerio* liked me enough to give me a part...maybe it was Ken, that would be cool too. And when Ken was reading the names I was thinking "Well she might hate me just enough to not give me a part" so I wasn't really paying attention until I hear her spit out "Jason" with venom in her voice. Which made me laugh. Sorry I'm going off about Ken so much but she has to do with why I didn't think I would get a part, and why I'm SO STOKED I did.

So now I need to memorize memorize memorize my lines. I'm currently just reading through the whole thing because I don't have my script that I can put marks in, I have the loaner one. Now I can memorize things somewhat well, like poems for instance, I memorize the night before and I've passed all of them (with some help). But I've never had to memorize actually play part lines (except for the scenes* we are doing which I dont fully have down) so I don't know how well I will do.

So for Comments down below (I LOVE coments guys). If you have any tips, tricks, or advice to memorizing play lines I will gladly listen to what you have to say. (you do not need an acount to comment on my blog, just hit the Anonymous button and it should work)

Also if you like my blog and want to read more hit the follow button if you have an acount. Its free and you will see all of my posts. If you don't you can always check any time, though there might not be a new post every time you check.

Peace out girl-scout!

Love ya!

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