Well me and my uber lameness tried not to be uber lame...but ended up being uber lame.
"She will just beeee-yotch and beeeee-yotch"
So I'm getting pretty annoyed with Person C because of said quote up there. So in my epic attempt to rid my mind of all the crap that is being dumbed on me day by day from school I wanted to devise a little hang out. Here we go again.
This is usually how my weekends go. Me and Tyler (sometimes Nate also) just sitting there thinking "OMFREAKIN'GEEZE! WE NEED LIVES!" and just thinking of "what we could do and who we SHOULD be hanging out with".
Well I decided to take action today. The opportunity arrive at lunch today when AMY COTTA-RELL (that isn't her actual last name...that's just how I will say it some times) said "I need to do something bad". Now realize we were talking about things like toilet papering and getting kicked out of Wal-Mart so I thought "Well lets see. She wants to do something. I want to do something. And out of this little group right here I would probably be the first to attempt to get kicked outta Wal-Mart...Sooo if she wants to do something 'bad' (which we wouldn't actually do anything horrible) then I'm the one she will probably look towards to do said activities with". So we planned over the summer that we are going to go toilet papering multiple times and get kicked out of Wal-Mart, but until then I just asked if she wanted to hang out.
Well that is cool and all because she said "OH HECK YA!" (not exact words...but close enough) but the thing is that every girls parents have this thing of thinking every guy is going to rape (sorry if the language bothers you) their daughter. I'm not a rapist, but sadly guys get pinned as one. So then I had to get other girls so we could all hang out...because there always has to be more than one girl there....ALWAYS =/. So I see Lyssaloo and I said "LYSSA! I'm probably going to get to come to my house and you should come." She accepted and so she is coming. Though I feel sorry for her because the last few times she has come over I think me Nate and Tyler have bored her to death. That is usually my crappy planning skills.
But tonight...unless my uber failness kicks in...should be good. Though I am uber fail and haven't really planned much to do...all I know is that some people are coming over and I don't really know who...now that I think about it I really should call more people since I FINALLY found the school directory.
Peace out Girl-Scout!
Love you!
My Ways
This is my story, Not yours!
Nothing but the truth!
Friendship is key!
Amendment #1 baby.
Don't get involved!
Nothing but the truth!
Friendship is key!
Amendment #1 baby.
Don't get involved!
Well I'm torn on what to write about. I could write about my "bucket list" which is freakin amazing! Then again I could write about the list of people who hate me for reasons that seem a little unfair in my case. THEN I could write about the dumb-fut WoW night I just had...but that subject is not to be discussed on this blog...just mention...I have another blog for WoW.
Drum roll please!
What is 'brief description of one and two'?
OK my bucket list is probably the most waked out totally the shiz not really to a point bucket list out there.
In a brief list I have items like
I have to sue someone
I have to "invent" glow in the dark edible watermelons
I have to own a Corvette or else my life won't be complete
I have to star in at least 1 well known movie
I have to get married
and last but not least on my brief description, I have to die in a black hole. Now of course that HAS to be the VERY LAST thing I do on this list.
I have others, but those are the main ones. Pretty epic huh?
Now onto the "Let's hate Jason for reasons that can be rather lop-sided reasons of hating Jason"
APPARENTLY I piss people off REALLY easily without trying to and having no intention to. Like the newest moment I had of adding someone onto "the list". (Names shall remain secret to the public view for safety reasons. Please do NOT ask who said people are because I WILL NOT answer names so said people won't hate me more. Though this post will OBVIOUSLY spark contention with some people I feel I have the FULL RIGHT to state MY SIDE of said situations. Viewer Discretion Advised. Thank You)
So at lunch one one day where the sun was shining and everyone was happy and we all LOVED each other so much and everything was "Chip Chip Cheerio" soon...SOMEHOW...turned south fast.
Person A "So I got a 14/20 on an assignment so I asked the teacher if they could change it to a 20/20 and they did"
Me "Well that is dumb! If I were to be a teacher and some kid comes up to me and complains about a grade THEY EARNED and doesn't totally destroy their grade I would dock them. 'Oh you got a 14...well how does 13 sound...maybe 12...'. I mean honestly if THEY EARNED AND DESERVED that grade then by all means they shouldn't come up to the teacher and complain for 6 POINTS. I honestly would not tolerate that if I was a teacher. No offence Person A but I would lower your score if I was the teacher."
Well I went on and on talking about if I was a teacher how I would run things and I had Kyron totally agreeing with me. (I say his name because he won't get mad). So I kinda turned away from Person A to talk to Kyron and we went over how we would run a class. Well APPARENTLY Person A got offended by my words and behind me was talking to Person B and how they were all offended. Person B tried to defend me but Person A got offended.
Now I AM Sorry if I did offend Person A. I had no intention to and I was talking in a general sense, not specifically to you. I'm cool if you raised your grade with by asking the teacher, I'm just saying I don't think it is really fair if you did get a 14/20 and just asked to raise it. And if I was a teacher, to which I am not, I think I would lower a grade if a kid did that. Life lessons, you (in a general sense no specifically to Person A) can't always get exactly what you want just by asking, and if you aren't satisfied with what you actually earned maybe you can do better next time and strive to achieve perfection, because in a real world you can't just say the first day on a job "BOSS! I need a 6 dollar raise because I am not satisfied with what I get". It is a learning experience of "OK I would like to do more, so what should I do? I should do my best and work my hardest to have my boss realize that I am a hard worker and deserve that raise for my hard work"
It's all about what you earn.
So next story on my list deals with Person C and a never ending spiral down that started with a musical, and a crush...also Facebook.
(EXTREMELY long story that I shan't go into detail about)
Well at the end of this little romance things ended badly, words were exchanged, "eyes were open", and Person C hates me FOREVER. I don't exactly blame Person C for being mad for a little while...but for how long it has been going and for what Person C does, I start to think "OK my Immature radar is going crazy".
OK it's one thing if you semi avoid someone for a while then get over it. It's another if you TOTALLY avoid someone and never get over it. THEN! It is TOTALLY ANOTHER thing if you TOTALLY avoid someone, start telling secrets to people about someone whenever you see them, AND take people out of a group they are talking to and tell them about the person.
Ya! Person C will literally take someone out of a group of people I'm talking to and tell secrets about me and how "annoying" I am. Not once, not twice, not even three times, BUT COUNTLESS TIMES! Not only do they say one thing, not two things, not even three things, BUT COUNTLESS THINGS about how I'm "annoying".
Look, I can be annoying sometimes, but I wouldn't call it annoying, I'd call it outgoing and extremely social. So when practically couldn't live without me for 7 months and then magically say I'm annoying when I didn't change at all then you have UBER FAIL PROBLEMS! The Fail DPS that can only pull 1.5k. The Noob tank with 3.6k GS and can't hold aggro worth his life. The "OMG that was the healer" Healer that can't keep a tank up during a trash pull of 2.
When I start describing you with WoW terms it has to be one extreme (good) or another (bad)...just guess at what extreme I'm talking about.
I wouldn't be so bugged if you weren't so immature for everything.
In the end I get hated for stupid reason.
Person A: Dislikes me
Person B: We are totally tight and they always have my back. Also no drama comes from them =D
Person C: Is acting WAY to immature about things and honestly needs to move one and get off your dang high horse!
Sorry if I make you upset but if you were a little slower to judge then I would have no reason to be writing this peace of blog nation.
Plus I joke a lot so don't take things too serious too fast, I only joke and rant because it is a way to express myself...I'm the joker ranter kid...that's why I blog.
So I REALLY hope these issues, and a bunch of others I did not mention, can be resolved and I just want to be friends.
Also spell check finally came onto my blog post page, and boy is it helpful! =)
Peace out Girl-Scout
Love you!
Drum roll please!
What is 'brief description of one and two'?
OK my bucket list is probably the most waked out totally the shiz not really to a point bucket list out there.
In a brief list I have items like
I have to sue someone
I have to "invent" glow in the dark edible watermelons
I have to own a Corvette or else my life won't be complete
I have to star in at least 1 well known movie
I have to get married
and last but not least on my brief description, I have to die in a black hole. Now of course that HAS to be the VERY LAST thing I do on this list.
I have others, but those are the main ones. Pretty epic huh?
Now onto the "Let's hate Jason for reasons that can be rather lop-sided reasons of hating Jason"
APPARENTLY I piss people off REALLY easily without trying to and having no intention to. Like the newest moment I had of adding someone onto "the list". (Names shall remain secret to the public view for safety reasons. Please do NOT ask who said people are because I WILL NOT answer names so said people won't hate me more. Though this post will OBVIOUSLY spark contention with some people I feel I have the FULL RIGHT to state MY SIDE of said situations. Viewer Discretion Advised. Thank You)
So at lunch one one day where the sun was shining and everyone was happy and we all LOVED each other so much and everything was "Chip Chip Cheerio" soon...SOMEHOW...turned south fast.
Person A "So I got a 14/20 on an assignment so I asked the teacher if they could change it to a 20/20 and they did"
Me "Well that is dumb! If I were to be a teacher and some kid comes up to me and complains about a grade THEY EARNED and doesn't totally destroy their grade I would dock them. 'Oh you got a 14...well how does 13 sound...maybe 12...'. I mean honestly if THEY EARNED AND DESERVED that grade then by all means they shouldn't come up to the teacher and complain for 6 POINTS. I honestly would not tolerate that if I was a teacher. No offence Person A but I would lower your score if I was the teacher."
Well I went on and on talking about if I was a teacher how I would run things and I had Kyron totally agreeing with me. (I say his name because he won't get mad). So I kinda turned away from Person A to talk to Kyron and we went over how we would run a class. Well APPARENTLY Person A got offended by my words and behind me was talking to Person B and how they were all offended. Person B tried to defend me but Person A got offended.
Now I AM Sorry if I did offend Person A. I had no intention to and I was talking in a general sense, not specifically to you. I'm cool if you raised your grade with by asking the teacher, I'm just saying I don't think it is really fair if you did get a 14/20 and just asked to raise it. And if I was a teacher, to which I am not, I think I would lower a grade if a kid did that. Life lessons, you (in a general sense no specifically to Person A) can't always get exactly what you want just by asking, and if you aren't satisfied with what you actually earned maybe you can do better next time and strive to achieve perfection, because in a real world you can't just say the first day on a job "BOSS! I need a 6 dollar raise because I am not satisfied with what I get". It is a learning experience of "OK I would like to do more, so what should I do? I should do my best and work my hardest to have my boss realize that I am a hard worker and deserve that raise for my hard work"
It's all about what you earn.
So next story on my list deals with Person C and a never ending spiral down that started with a musical, and a crush...also Facebook.
(EXTREMELY long story that I shan't go into detail about)
Well at the end of this little romance things ended badly, words were exchanged, "eyes were open", and Person C hates me FOREVER. I don't exactly blame Person C for being mad for a little while...but for how long it has been going and for what Person C does, I start to think "OK my Immature radar is going crazy".
OK it's one thing if you semi avoid someone for a while then get over it. It's another if you TOTALLY avoid someone and never get over it. THEN! It is TOTALLY ANOTHER thing if you TOTALLY avoid someone, start telling secrets to people about someone whenever you see them, AND take people out of a group they are talking to and tell them about the person.
Ya! Person C will literally take someone out of a group of people I'm talking to and tell secrets about me and how "annoying" I am. Not once, not twice, not even three times, BUT COUNTLESS TIMES! Not only do they say one thing, not two things, not even three things, BUT COUNTLESS THINGS about how I'm "annoying".
Look, I can be annoying sometimes, but I wouldn't call it annoying, I'd call it outgoing and extremely social. So when practically couldn't live without me for 7 months and then magically say I'm annoying when I didn't change at all then you have UBER FAIL PROBLEMS! The Fail DPS that can only pull 1.5k. The Noob tank with 3.6k GS and can't hold aggro worth his life. The "OMG that was the healer" Healer that can't keep a tank up during a trash pull of 2.
When I start describing you with WoW terms it has to be one extreme (good) or another (bad)...just guess at what extreme I'm talking about.
I wouldn't be so bugged if you weren't so immature for everything.
In the end I get hated for stupid reason.
Person A: Dislikes me
Person B: We are totally tight and they always have my back. Also no drama comes from them =D
Person C: Is acting WAY to immature about things and honestly needs to move one and get off your dang high horse!
Sorry if I make you upset but if you were a little slower to judge then I would have no reason to be writing this peace of blog nation.
Plus I joke a lot so don't take things too serious too fast, I only joke and rant because it is a way to express myself...I'm the joker ranter kid...that's why I blog.
So I REALLY hope these issues, and a bunch of others I did not mention, can be resolved and I just want to be friends.
Also spell check finally came onto my blog post page, and boy is it helpful! =)
Peace out Girl-Scout
Love you!
My spell check
We all know that I can't spell worth my life...even if I'm trying my hardest to spell something right. =/ hmm. So with lack of resources and a heap of unused brains in my head I devised a way to spell check my spelling. It's far from 100% reliable...maybe 27% but it is a heck of a lot better than the 0% I used to have.
GOOGLE! Yes that is right, Google. Google is my new and improved spell check. Whenever I come to a word that I am not sure about I do these easy steps.
1. Sound it out to make myself look like a third grader.
2. Type it a few times in various ways
3. Type it into the google search bar that is at the top of my screen and what ever comes up as a "common search" I just go off that.
I'm a genius.
And from that my spelling has semi gone up.
Now a way I have to spell a lot of things like People and Orange and Paper and such I eather have to
1. Sing the little song they teach you in Kindermagarten (my epic way of saying Kindergarten)
2. Actually say it letter by letter.
If I don't do that I sit there at words like People not knowing how in the world to spell it. P-E-O-P-L-E.
So that is my thought of the day. Tomorrow I will do my weekly update because I was writing "You've been quoted 2" for a while and it is still going.
Peace out Girl-Scout!
Love you!
GOOGLE! Yes that is right, Google. Google is my new and improved spell check. Whenever I come to a word that I am not sure about I do these easy steps.
1. Sound it out to make myself look like a third grader.
2. Type it a few times in various ways
3. Type it into the google search bar that is at the top of my screen and what ever comes up as a "common search" I just go off that.
I'm a genius.
And from that my spelling has semi gone up.
Now a way I have to spell a lot of things like People and Orange and Paper and such I eather have to
1. Sing the little song they teach you in Kindermagarten (my epic way of saying Kindergarten)
2. Actually say it letter by letter.
If I don't do that I sit there at words like People not knowing how in the world to spell it. P-E-O-P-L-E.
So that is my thought of the day. Tomorrow I will do my weekly update because I was writing "You've been quoted 2" for a while and it is still going.
Peace out Girl-Scout!
Love you!
You've been quoted 2
Things people have said. Most wont make sence if you weren't there.
If there is no line between sayings then it they are in a pair and go together.
(In no specific order)
"Nate have you been spraying coconut perfume...well maybe it was Bingham" Me
"Ya it was Bingham" Me, Ryan, and Paige
"Does your butt say 'booty queen'?" Me
"Me and Star are going to make homemade videos...if you know what I mean" Guy in my guild
"PUT THEM ON THE INTERNET!" A different person in my guild
"Maybe you could dance on the table, then it could get interesting" My aunt
"Why don't you just freeze your (fill in anatomically* correct name for male area), and smash em with a hammer, because you are obviously not using em!" Nate K.
"Did you loose at colors?" Me
"You pee loud" Me and Tyler
"You know my son Tyler? You REALLY have to stop peeing on him" Random lady in a dream I had
"He sneezed so hard, the snot bounced off his hand and went into his eye" Me
"Your killin me smalls" Me and Tyler (from sandlot)
*giggle giggle* "You won the dress" Kelsey
"Naturally" Curtis
"Naturally" Me
"Naturally" Curtis
"The Volkswagon Death fart" Dan
"Whats that noise" Mrs. Corry
"Thats my heart" Clint
"Oh so you do have one?" Mrs. Corry
"Hey guys" Taylor
"Do you hear that" Tyler
"ya that high pitched squeek" Adam
"Uh guys" Taylor
"Tyler you SNIFFED the man" Me
"I was seeing what cologne he had on" Tyler D.
"I TRY to explain things but all of you lesser beings can't understand em" Me
"That was the quickest quickey I've EVER heard of" Me
"Ya we practice" Jed
"I want to name it 'The Retarded dance we made in Social Dance dance'" Me
"DUH SUN IS MY FAVORITE PLANET! and duh erf is otay too" Me
"With a cherry on top?" Tyler
"With a cherry on top" Davis
"I think the advances in technology are FASCINATING!" Me
"Jason I think that poo was making you fun" --
"...why don't we...go upstairs..." *creepy face* Nate
"Do you just have balls that magically come out of your hands?" Kandis (not dirty)
"It's like muppets treasure island" Lyssa
"Ya muppets treasure island on CRACK!" Me
"Dude it was made by the Canadians" Tyler
"OOOOOHHHH that explains so much" Me
"There was a Mckenna girl I was talking to. She goes to Legacey" Ashlyn
"OMG KYLE?!?! Dude I haven't seen you since third grade...and my best memory of you is when we were in my basement and you kicked a rubber ball into my face" Me
"Haha I remember that" Kyle
"What elementary did you all go to" Girl I don't know at the theatre festival
"Well I'm a preppy...North Davis Prepatory Acadamy" Me
"OOOO I'm sorry" different girl I don't know
"Okay!" Me
"Okay!" Me
"You know, no one likes your snotty attitude" same girl
"OKAY!" Me
"When you are with a beautiful girl, you don't talk about all of the hot girls you have seen in flower shops" Dad
"It's not that I want to WOO Lyssa. I mean we are shop buddies, we can talk about anything" Me
"Another tip, Girls don't like WoW players" Dad (LIER! LIER! LIER!)
"We need to extend our boundaries" Nate
"Hello. This is the Russian Mob. Prepare to die!" Nate
"This is Tachers Quarm, its time to step it up" Adam
"You don't just promise doughnuts and just not bring them" Me
Peace out Girl-Scout!
Love you!
If there is no line between sayings then it they are in a pair and go together.
(In no specific order)
"Nate have you been spraying coconut perfume...well maybe it was Bingham" Me
"Ya it was Bingham" Me, Ryan, and Paige
"Does your butt say 'booty queen'?" Me
"Me and Star are going to make homemade videos...if you know what I mean" Guy in my guild
"PUT THEM ON THE INTERNET!" A different person in my guild
"Maybe you could dance on the table, then it could get interesting" My aunt
"Why don't you just freeze your (fill in anatomically* correct name for male area), and smash em with a hammer, because you are obviously not using em!" Nate K.
"Did you loose at colors?" Me
"You pee loud" Me and Tyler
"You know my son Tyler? You REALLY have to stop peeing on him" Random lady in a dream I had
"He sneezed so hard, the snot bounced off his hand and went into his eye" Me
"Your killin me smalls" Me and Tyler (from sandlot)
*giggle giggle* "You won the dress" Kelsey
"Naturally" Curtis
"Naturally" Me
"Naturally" Curtis
"The Volkswagon Death fart" Dan
"Whats that noise" Mrs. Corry
"Thats my heart" Clint
"Oh so you do have one?" Mrs. Corry
"Hey guys" Taylor
"Do you hear that" Tyler
"ya that high pitched squeek" Adam
"Uh guys" Taylor
"Tyler you SNIFFED the man" Me
"I was seeing what cologne he had on" Tyler D.
"I TRY to explain things but all of you lesser beings can't understand em" Me
"That was the quickest quickey I've EVER heard of" Me
"Ya we practice" Jed
"I want to name it 'The Retarded dance we made in Social Dance dance'" Me
"DUH SUN IS MY FAVORITE PLANET! and duh erf is otay too" Me
"With a cherry on top?" Tyler
"With a cherry on top" Davis
"I think the advances in technology are FASCINATING!" Me
"Jason I think that poo was making you fun" --
"...why don't we...go upstairs..." *creepy face* Nate
"Do you just have balls that magically come out of your hands?" Kandis (not dirty)
"It's like muppets treasure island" Lyssa
"Ya muppets treasure island on CRACK!" Me
"Dude it was made by the Canadians" Tyler
"OOOOOHHHH that explains so much" Me
"There was a Mckenna girl I was talking to. She goes to Legacey" Ashlyn
"OMG KYLE?!?! Dude I haven't seen you since third grade...and my best memory of you is when we were in my basement and you kicked a rubber ball into my face" Me
"Haha I remember that" Kyle
"What elementary did you all go to" Girl I don't know at the theatre festival
"Well I'm a preppy...North Davis Prepatory Acadamy" Me
"OOOO I'm sorry" different girl I don't know
"Okay!" Me
"Okay!" Me
"You know, no one likes your snotty attitude" same girl
"OKAY!" Me
"When you are with a beautiful girl, you don't talk about all of the hot girls you have seen in flower shops" Dad
"It's not that I want to WOO Lyssa. I mean we are shop buddies, we can talk about anything" Me
"Another tip, Girls don't like WoW players" Dad (LIER! LIER! LIER!)
"We need to extend our boundaries" Nate
"Hello. This is the Russian Mob. Prepare to die!" Nate
"This is Tachers Quarm, its time to step it up" Adam
"You don't just promise doughnuts and just not bring them" Me
Peace out Girl-Scout!
Love you!
I won?! teehee
Well this week just gets better and better and better and you get the gist right now but it just gets better and better.
Though I am VERY excited to get to the point I have to go in order starting from the Regional Dance I was just at where all the fun began.
Regional dances are cool and all, and they are very worth going to on a Saturday night. Well at this dance my goal was not to ask anyone to dance and see how many girls asked me. More asked than I thought...which is cool. I guess that gives me a little more room to be a little more cockey*. Well in the end I danced with Ashlyn 3 times, which ain't bad at all, and Melanie messed up my tie and was trying over and over to retie it...not the best tie tying job I've ever seen, but she tried.
Later in the dance I get a text from my sister asking about what my Facebook status meant and this whole shpeel. She wasn't to happy, not about the post, but about how I'm to afraid to invite a girl over to the house...I come up with too many excuses. =/. (man up dude! take charge!) And from there I was like "Well she is right...I do make excuses...but I love Kelsey."
Dancing, dancing, talking, dancing Michael Jackson, talking, dancing, over.
Now we all have to stand outside (which it felt REALLY nice outside) and wait for our rides.
*buzz buzz buzz buzz* Oh I'm getting a text...wait thats a call.
"Kelsey Tebbs" pops up on my phone and I will admit I thought "UGH what does she want? I explained my Facebook status already"
*chuckle chuckle* "You won the dress"
"Ya you won the dress for me"
"OMG (in a little school girl aka Justin Beiber voice) NO WAY" (joking about me having a high voice...I mean come on...I'm a Bass)
"Ya they made a whole post about it"
"Its really long and talks about random stuff. You will have to read it on your own"
"WOW! Well happy birfday"
"Aren't I the bestest Little (but bigger) brother ever?"
"yes you are. Well I have to go Love you"
"Love you too"
I just stand their laughing in amazement. Then Amanda comes up and she's like "what?" "I just won a dress for my sister in a contest I entered" and just sat and laughed. She couldn't believe it eather and started laughing at me laughing.
I get home rush to the computer to read the post and boom "Shabby Apple not to Shabby winner"
"Well we frolicked down the hall, how are we going to pick, random choosing thing and ENTER" (not trying to be mean to those guys...I just want to hurry and get to the good stuff)
That sums up the beggining of the post.
Well the first person was not me. "DANG KELSEY SHE LIED" but I read on.
Wait the entry wasn't valid.
Next one. Not me. Not valid.
Next one. Not me. Not valid.
"#13....Well she blogged about us....Wait....This isn't a girl it's a guy....well fair is fair and he won....he should make out with girls and use the dress as leaverage....check out his blog....wait he is going to give it to his sister for her birthday? QUICK DELETE THE COMMENT SO YOU CAN SNOG WITH GIRLS!"
That pretty much sums up how it went.
So I won a dress from MBP that I am going to give to my sister. Now...how do I get the dress...hmm.
Well thanks guys for not kicking me out of the contest cause I'm a dude. I did it for my sister and things just fell into place. (I used "The Secret" to help me win. Basically Positive thinking brings Positive outcomes...now if only I can win the laptop giveaway I'm in)
Peace out Girl-Scout!
Love you!
Though I am VERY excited to get to the point I have to go in order starting from the Regional Dance I was just at where all the fun began.
Regional dances are cool and all, and they are very worth going to on a Saturday night. Well at this dance my goal was not to ask anyone to dance and see how many girls asked me. More asked than I thought...which is cool. I guess that gives me a little more room to be a little more cockey*. Well in the end I danced with Ashlyn 3 times, which ain't bad at all, and Melanie messed up my tie and was trying over and over to retie it...not the best tie tying job I've ever seen, but she tried.
Later in the dance I get a text from my sister asking about what my Facebook status meant and this whole shpeel. She wasn't to happy, not about the post, but about how I'm to afraid to invite a girl over to the house...I come up with too many excuses. =/. (man up dude! take charge!) And from there I was like "Well she is right...I do make excuses...but I love Kelsey."
Dancing, dancing, talking, dancing Michael Jackson, talking, dancing, over.
Now we all have to stand outside (which it felt REALLY nice outside) and wait for our rides.
*buzz buzz buzz buzz* Oh I'm getting a text...wait thats a call.
"Kelsey Tebbs" pops up on my phone and I will admit I thought "UGH what does she want? I explained my Facebook status already"
*chuckle chuckle* "You won the dress"
"Ya you won the dress for me"
"OMG (in a little school girl aka Justin Beiber voice) NO WAY" (joking about me having a high voice...I mean come on...I'm a Bass)
"Ya they made a whole post about it"
"Its really long and talks about random stuff. You will have to read it on your own"
"WOW! Well happy birfday"
"Aren't I the bestest Little (but bigger) brother ever?"
"yes you are. Well I have to go Love you"
"Love you too"
I just stand their laughing in amazement. Then Amanda comes up and she's like "what?" "I just won a dress for my sister in a contest I entered" and just sat and laughed. She couldn't believe it eather and started laughing at me laughing.
I get home rush to the computer to read the post and boom "Shabby Apple not to Shabby winner"
"Well we frolicked down the hall, how are we going to pick, random choosing thing and ENTER" (not trying to be mean to those guys...I just want to hurry and get to the good stuff)
That sums up the beggining of the post.
Well the first person was not me. "DANG KELSEY SHE LIED" but I read on.
Wait the entry wasn't valid.
Next one. Not me. Not valid.
Next one. Not me. Not valid.
"#13....Well she blogged about us....Wait....This isn't a girl it's a guy....well fair is fair and he won....he should make out with girls and use the dress as leaverage....check out his blog....wait he is going to give it to his sister for her birthday? QUICK DELETE THE COMMENT SO YOU CAN SNOG WITH GIRLS!"
That pretty much sums up how it went.
So I won a dress from MBP that I am going to give to my sister. Now...how do I get the dress...hmm.
Well thanks guys for not kicking me out of the contest cause I'm a dude. I did it for my sister and things just fell into place. (I used "The Secret" to help me win. Basically Positive thinking brings Positive outcomes...now if only I can win the laptop giveaway I'm in)
Peace out Girl-Scout!
Love you!
Cast Partay! (before and after)
'Twas a very eventful night Friday night with ups and downs and all arounds. Everything from Adam bumming out then coming up with a master plan, to getting yelled at for a misplaced credit card.
Tyler "Well tonight is the cast party...and Nate is coming over"
Me "What should we do?"
Tyler "I don't know, we can't bring him, but I don't want to leave him"
Adams Text "I'm coming to get you guys, get ready"
My Text "We haven't decided what to do with Nate"
Adams Text "Well hurry!"
So Friday was the cast party for the musical people. Fun. But Nate was requested to come over after a series of events me and Tyler didn't think about. So upon Nate's arival at Tyler's house we had to do some quick thinking. We could: A. Bring Nate along and see how people take it (risky) B: Leave Nate and go to the party (kinda sounded mean) or C: Stay home with Nate (but we could have missed something epic). Hmm what to do. I feel kinda bad for Nate but we went to the party. I mean the party was planned for a while and we were invited and no one there would have known Nate. Maybe 5 people would have. But we went, and he found something else to do.
Now a car ride with Adam's parents is always fun. Adam is just like his dad, the jokesters, and his mom is more kinda serious. So Yin and Yang are compatable. Now Adam's mom is VERY strict about girls...VERY strict. So me being me I decided I would make her a little worried for her sweet little baby boy (aka Adam Beiber). Adam has never kissed a girl, not that it is a bad thing I totally respect him, but It's fun to joke around about that stuff when his mom is in the area.
Me "Kristen (Adam's mom) today I will make your son become a MAN!"
Adam's mom "And how are you going to do that?"
Me "Today Adam will kiss a girl, and this is the PERFECT party to do it at"
Well she did get a little worried...I don't think she trusts me very much...hmm. And right when I step out of the car (because by this time Tyler, Tyler, and Adam had already reached the front door) I say "Don't worry, I'll make sure your son is FULLY satisfied" and ran off. I wish I could have known what she was thinking at that moment.
So when we arive not much is going on. We were fashinable on time, so we had to wait for the fasionable late people to show up. To make this easier I will write a list of some events.
Smeer the queer. (guys only cause no girls were brave enough)
Anoying little kid with fire crackers.
"The Love Bench" (nothing nasty)
Sammy failing not once, not twice, not three times, but countless times trying to get a soccer ball away from me throughout the night.
Girl landing totally on her head while slipping on the wet grass during the setup of he backflip.
Floor flexing so much I wouldn't have been suprised if it totally broke through to the basement.
Annie sitting on Chace's lap the WHOLE party! (very very odd)
Taylor having his only friend at the party be a 6 or 8 year old (somewhere between those 2)
and other stuff
So during this party I tell Adam
"Ok who do you want to kiss to become a MAN!"
"I'm not doing it Jason"
"Oh come on, you don't want to have a sweet sixteen, and this is perfect party to loose your virgin lips at"
"Nope I'm going to have a sweet sixteen. Both of my parents did, so I'm going to"
"Come on man, I didn't even have a sweet 15, It's not that bad...why wait till highschool anyway"
"When I'm sixteen and actually can kiss girls without people judging me for being young, trust me, I will line up girls and kiss all of them. I will kiss girl after girl after girl."
"Well...never thought of that...ok here is you choice. You can eather loose em now, or kiss a TON of girls in high school, and trust me I will make sure you line up girls and kiss em all. Now if you choose to loose em now you have...umm...maybe Kandis, or Hannah. Oh Sammy is over there."
"Oh Aubrian was eyeing me"
"Thats a good choice"
"I'm joking Jason, I'm going to have a sweet sixteen"
And from that the conversation ended and we went on. I still have full respect for Adam.
Time passes and party is over. Now on the car ride home Tyler W's parents got us. Oh a car ride home with Dan is just as fun as a car ride with Adam's parents. Now Dan is a BIG dude, and is funny as heck. He has some funny stories that get funnier every time he says them. This is the story of Aneita* (not exact words but pretty close)
Dan "Ok so this Aneita girl she was weird, like REALLY weird. One day I was walking down the hall the day of the girls choice dance, and from behind a locker Aneita jumps from behind a locker and says 'HEY' and it was one of those 'ahhh' kinda 'hey's'. Now she looks me right in the eye and says 'Are you going to the dance' and I have to say 'uuhhh I don't know, no one has asked me' to which she replies 'Well I'm asking you know and your going' and this was those 'you cant say no' moments. Now Aneita smelt bad, REALLY BAD, like if you stuck a rotting egg in a smelly old shoe and burried it in the back yard for three weeks and dug it up again then smelt it, I WISH she smelt that good. Now I am quite abit taller than she is so to put her arms around my shoulders she would have to reach up and those pits just let out an AWEFUL smell. The worst part was, was she only wanted to dance the slow songs, so if we did her pits would be open the whole time. So my idea was dance the fast songs, so she wouldn't have to rais her arms. Well that backfired because she started to sweat, and I mean SWEAT! Now she smelled even worse, and I didn't know that was possible. I promised myself I would never date Aneita again"
He has another story about "the blue flush" but you would have to ask him about it, I can't tell em very well and I don't want to type it out because I have more to talk about.
So at 11 o'clock I get a call from my parents. We were still driving home so I asumed they were just checking where I was and if I was coming home. Well thats not what happend.
My dad "Jason I lost my wallet and I'm pretty sure I left it at Olive Garden last night when we went to dinner. So I need you to call them and ask if I left it there"
Well I didn't want to so I simply asked "well why can't you do it" because I thought he was at home and not driving home from Salt Lake I think.
Well that made him pop a fuse. He starts yelling at me and blah blah blah about how I should go find HIS wallet, he didn't even ask me nicely or explain why he needed me to. If he would have simply said "Jason I realized I lost my wallet and I was wondering If you could call Olive garden and see if they have it. I would but I am driving home and you will be home before I am" I would have been fine.
So I get home at 11:25 and think "why the heck would anyone be at Olive Garden this late. I ain't calling." so I get on World of Warcraft.
Oh when my dad comes home and finds out I'm sitting there on WoW and haven't called yet boy was he TICKED off (I did that just for you guys).
After his yelling and my sitting there I was suprised I wasn't grounded. He called Olive Garden and they had his credit card and then we resolved it pretty fast and simple.
In the end It was a good night, and over all a pretty fantastic week.
Peace out Girl-Scout!
Love you!
Tyler "Well tonight is the cast party...and Nate is coming over"
Me "What should we do?"
Tyler "I don't know, we can't bring him, but I don't want to leave him"
Adams Text "I'm coming to get you guys, get ready"
My Text "We haven't decided what to do with Nate"
Adams Text "Well hurry!"
So Friday was the cast party for the musical people. Fun. But Nate was requested to come over after a series of events me and Tyler didn't think about. So upon Nate's arival at Tyler's house we had to do some quick thinking. We could: A. Bring Nate along and see how people take it (risky) B: Leave Nate and go to the party (kinda sounded mean) or C: Stay home with Nate (but we could have missed something epic). Hmm what to do. I feel kinda bad for Nate but we went to the party. I mean the party was planned for a while and we were invited and no one there would have known Nate. Maybe 5 people would have. But we went, and he found something else to do.
Now a car ride with Adam's parents is always fun. Adam is just like his dad, the jokesters, and his mom is more kinda serious. So Yin and Yang are compatable. Now Adam's mom is VERY strict about girls...VERY strict. So me being me I decided I would make her a little worried for her sweet little baby boy (aka Adam Beiber). Adam has never kissed a girl, not that it is a bad thing I totally respect him, but It's fun to joke around about that stuff when his mom is in the area.
Me "Kristen (Adam's mom) today I will make your son become a MAN!"
Adam's mom "And how are you going to do that?"
Me "Today Adam will kiss a girl, and this is the PERFECT party to do it at"
Well she did get a little worried...I don't think she trusts me very much...hmm. And right when I step out of the car (because by this time Tyler, Tyler, and Adam had already reached the front door) I say "Don't worry, I'll make sure your son is FULLY satisfied" and ran off. I wish I could have known what she was thinking at that moment.
So when we arive not much is going on. We were fashinable on time, so we had to wait for the fasionable late people to show up. To make this easier I will write a list of some events.
Smeer the queer. (guys only cause no girls were brave enough)
Anoying little kid with fire crackers.
"The Love Bench" (nothing nasty)
Sammy failing not once, not twice, not three times, but countless times trying to get a soccer ball away from me throughout the night.
Girl landing totally on her head while slipping on the wet grass during the setup of he backflip.
Floor flexing so much I wouldn't have been suprised if it totally broke through to the basement.
Annie sitting on Chace's lap the WHOLE party! (very very odd)
Taylor having his only friend at the party be a 6 or 8 year old (somewhere between those 2)
and other stuff
So during this party I tell Adam
"Ok who do you want to kiss to become a MAN!"
"I'm not doing it Jason"
"Oh come on, you don't want to have a sweet sixteen, and this is perfect party to loose your virgin lips at"
"Nope I'm going to have a sweet sixteen. Both of my parents did, so I'm going to"
"Come on man, I didn't even have a sweet 15, It's not that bad...why wait till highschool anyway"
"When I'm sixteen and actually can kiss girls without people judging me for being young, trust me, I will line up girls and kiss all of them. I will kiss girl after girl after girl."
"Well...never thought of that...ok here is you choice. You can eather loose em now, or kiss a TON of girls in high school, and trust me I will make sure you line up girls and kiss em all. Now if you choose to loose em now you have...umm...maybe Kandis, or Hannah. Oh Sammy is over there."
"Oh Aubrian was eyeing me"
"Thats a good choice"
"I'm joking Jason, I'm going to have a sweet sixteen"
And from that the conversation ended and we went on. I still have full respect for Adam.
Time passes and party is over. Now on the car ride home Tyler W's parents got us. Oh a car ride home with Dan is just as fun as a car ride with Adam's parents. Now Dan is a BIG dude, and is funny as heck. He has some funny stories that get funnier every time he says them. This is the story of Aneita* (not exact words but pretty close)
Dan "Ok so this Aneita girl she was weird, like REALLY weird. One day I was walking down the hall the day of the girls choice dance, and from behind a locker Aneita jumps from behind a locker and says 'HEY' and it was one of those 'ahhh' kinda 'hey's'. Now she looks me right in the eye and says 'Are you going to the dance' and I have to say 'uuhhh I don't know, no one has asked me' to which she replies 'Well I'm asking you know and your going' and this was those 'you cant say no' moments. Now Aneita smelt bad, REALLY BAD, like if you stuck a rotting egg in a smelly old shoe and burried it in the back yard for three weeks and dug it up again then smelt it, I WISH she smelt that good. Now I am quite abit taller than she is so to put her arms around my shoulders she would have to reach up and those pits just let out an AWEFUL smell. The worst part was, was she only wanted to dance the slow songs, so if we did her pits would be open the whole time. So my idea was dance the fast songs, so she wouldn't have to rais her arms. Well that backfired because she started to sweat, and I mean SWEAT! Now she smelled even worse, and I didn't know that was possible. I promised myself I would never date Aneita again"
He has another story about "the blue flush" but you would have to ask him about it, I can't tell em very well and I don't want to type it out because I have more to talk about.
So at 11 o'clock I get a call from my parents. We were still driving home so I asumed they were just checking where I was and if I was coming home. Well thats not what happend.
My dad "Jason I lost my wallet and I'm pretty sure I left it at Olive Garden last night when we went to dinner. So I need you to call them and ask if I left it there"
Well I didn't want to so I simply asked "well why can't you do it" because I thought he was at home and not driving home from Salt Lake I think.
Well that made him pop a fuse. He starts yelling at me and blah blah blah about how I should go find HIS wallet, he didn't even ask me nicely or explain why he needed me to. If he would have simply said "Jason I realized I lost my wallet and I was wondering If you could call Olive garden and see if they have it. I would but I am driving home and you will be home before I am" I would have been fine.
So I get home at 11:25 and think "why the heck would anyone be at Olive Garden this late. I ain't calling." so I get on World of Warcraft.
Oh when my dad comes home and finds out I'm sitting there on WoW and haven't called yet boy was he TICKED off (I did that just for you guys).
After his yelling and my sitting there I was suprised I wasn't grounded. He called Olive Garden and they had his credit card and then we resolved it pretty fast and simple.
In the end It was a good night, and over all a pretty fantastic week.
Peace out Girl-Scout!
Love you!
M Day!
I'm a goof, I know that, and I may come up with some pretty weird things, but I like who I am and I like what I do.
So everyone says "Is today an A day or a B day", oh I am reffering to school here, but I think to myself "is today a M day or an A day". Now for all schooling purpose I do say A and B day but this isn't really about schooling schedual, its people schedual. Confused about why? Maybe maybe not. So I am going to expound on all of my reasoning without giving TOO much away.
Today was a M day and it turned out to be really good. Although at the begging of M day I was worried. I knew yesterday that some poeple were going to be gone for reasons and realized they were going to be gone on M day. So I figured without a M there is no M day and its just a regular A day. (school A days are people M days and school B days are people A days...I have a system)
So since M won't be here I won't have a M day today, and the very sad thing is it couldn't have even been a P day or T day. So today was suppose to suck.
Well I walk into school with my fancy snatchy outfit on ready for my Social Dance test with no M in sight...and again no P in sight eather, and that made me sad. When I was just about to put my head down something caught my eye. OMG IT'S M!
Well that wasn't suppose to happen, but I'm glad it ended up to be that way.
So I expect this M day to be like every other M day, but this M day was different. It was one of the most M filled M days ever, and probably my favorite M day so far this semester.
In the end I had a good M day, and a good school A day.
Sorry for the confusion. You wouldn't get it unless you realized what M and A is, but I had to blog about my Happy M day.
And aparently blue is my color...who knew.
Peace out Girl-Scout!
Love you!
So everyone says "Is today an A day or a B day", oh I am reffering to school here, but I think to myself "is today a M day or an A day". Now for all schooling purpose I do say A and B day but this isn't really about schooling schedual, its people schedual. Confused about why? Maybe maybe not. So I am going to expound on all of my reasoning without giving TOO much away.
Today was a M day and it turned out to be really good. Although at the begging of M day I was worried. I knew yesterday that some poeple were going to be gone for reasons and realized they were going to be gone on M day. So I figured without a M there is no M day and its just a regular A day. (school A days are people M days and school B days are people A days...I have a system)
So since M won't be here I won't have a M day today, and the very sad thing is it couldn't have even been a P day or T day. So today was suppose to suck.
Well I walk into school with my fancy snatchy outfit on ready for my Social Dance test with no M in sight...and again no P in sight eather, and that made me sad. When I was just about to put my head down something caught my eye. OMG IT'S M!
Well that wasn't suppose to happen, but I'm glad it ended up to be that way.
So I expect this M day to be like every other M day, but this M day was different. It was one of the most M filled M days ever, and probably my favorite M day so far this semester.
In the end I had a good M day, and a good school A day.
Sorry for the confusion. You wouldn't get it unless you realized what M and A is, but I had to blog about my Happy M day.
And aparently blue is my color...who knew.
Peace out Girl-Scout!
Love you!
Don't Worry!
So I have officially made a second blog. So now all things WoW are going to go over to that one. I will still have the pictures I already have up on here but everything new and such and all the WoW stuff I have to say will go over there. Now for the 5 people that read my blog I don't expect you to read my other one, because I'm not writing to you, I'm writing to WoW people. And seeming as how all you guys think WoW is a sin and you LLLLLOOOOOAAAAATTTTTTHHHHHH it then stay away from it and just keep reading this here blog that you are curently reading.
I hope some poeple are happy.
Peace out Girl-Scout!
Love you!
I hope some poeple are happy.
Peace out Girl-Scout!
Love you!
I think I have found a picture that will make everyone happy. I am keeping the black background and all of the other picture, but I just changed the first picture you see. And I have to say I am pretty epic!
Just to make sure. (please read)
Ok even though I have a bunch of WoW pictures on here doesn't mean I'm blogging about WoW. I just like the WoW. I am NOT going to blog about WoW. So if you thought that is what I was going to do it is not.
Sorry for the mix up if there was one.
Sorry for the mix up if there was one.
Directions to awesome dress.
Though only 5 or so people read my blog I know there are those out there that are girls. So a blog that I follow (http://mormonbachelorpad.blogspot.com/) is doing a giveaway and I want those that are interested in Moddest is Hottest dresses and would possibly enter a giveaway a chance to win. I'm actually thinking about my readers.
So go to their blog http://mormonbachelorpad.blogspot.com/ and check out their giveaway.
Pretty simple rules, easy to enter, and its an amazingly Moddest is Hottest dress. I mean this thing is BEAUTIFUL and MODDEST! So why not take a look at it.
Again if you missed it check out http://mormonbachelorpad.blogspot.com/ and see if you possibly want to win a dress from Shabby Apple. They also have a code that will get you 10% off of a Shabby Apple item if you just want a Shabby Apple item.
I would also suggest, if you have a blogger acount, to follow them. They are freaking hilarious and write amazing stories that are all true. (I think).
One more time it's http://mormonbachelorpad.blogspot.com/. I highly suggest, if you don't enter, to follow them.
Peace out Girl-Scout!
Love you!
So go to their blog http://mormonbachelorpad.blogspot.com/ and check out their giveaway.
Pretty simple rules, easy to enter, and its an amazingly Moddest is Hottest dress. I mean this thing is BEAUTIFUL and MODDEST! So why not take a look at it.
Again if you missed it check out http://mormonbachelorpad.blogspot.com/ and see if you possibly want to win a dress from Shabby Apple. They also have a code that will get you 10% off of a Shabby Apple item if you just want a Shabby Apple item.
I would also suggest, if you have a blogger acount, to follow them. They are freaking hilarious and write amazing stories that are all true. (I think).
One more time it's http://mormonbachelorpad.blogspot.com/. I highly suggest, if you don't enter, to follow them.
Peace out Girl-Scout!
Love you!
Sleeping in the Garage
So for the past I don't know how long I have been complaining about how small my bed is. Its not that I'm hugely fat, trust me I'm skinny like a twig and when I suck in as far as I can I get "rib boobs", but I am definently not the shortest person in the world. Me being an almost 6 feet tall and a teenager I ten do sprawl all over the place. My legs are stretched this way and that, my arms go where ever they please, and my comforter is oddly wrapped around my body. Twin sized bed ain't doing it for me. I want a bed where I can leap into and sprawl all over the palce withough having to worry about a wall, headboards, or falling off the bed. I need a queen sized bed!
So thats what I'm getting. And we are replacing our guest bedroom bed and totally changing things and blah blah blah, but none of that has to do with me. Now my soon to be queen sized bed will be the guest bed also. When company is staying over I move up to my sisters bed, they get my queen sized bed, and if my sister is home she gets her bed and I get the couch, which isn't all that bad but not the best. So untill we go and get said queen sized bed (rhymed) I have to "sleep in the garage". Don't judge me.
...It's not that bad...Freezing cold...scary at times...but It's only the garage...and I said don't judge me...
So about "sleeping in the garage". Lyssa was over and I was getting something out of a cabinet in the garage. We have the old guest bedroom matress and box spring in the garage leaning up against the cabinet so I had to move it. She kinda gave the mattress a funny look and I said "I have to sleep in the garage...don't judge me", to which she totally belived and Tyler, knowing what to do in the time when the oprotunity calls, played along.
So tomorrow we will probably pick up my new bed. Queen sized bed. Big bed! Big enough for two...if ya catch my drift.
Peace out Girl-Scout!
Love you!
So thats what I'm getting. And we are replacing our guest bedroom bed and totally changing things and blah blah blah, but none of that has to do with me. Now my soon to be queen sized bed will be the guest bed also. When company is staying over I move up to my sisters bed, they get my queen sized bed, and if my sister is home she gets her bed and I get the couch, which isn't all that bad but not the best. So untill we go and get said queen sized bed (rhymed) I have to "sleep in the garage". Don't judge me.
...It's not that bad...Freezing cold...scary at times...but It's only the garage...and I said don't judge me...
So about "sleeping in the garage". Lyssa was over and I was getting something out of a cabinet in the garage. We have the old guest bedroom matress and box spring in the garage leaning up against the cabinet so I had to move it. She kinda gave the mattress a funny look and I said "I have to sleep in the garage...don't judge me", to which she totally belived and Tyler, knowing what to do in the time when the oprotunity calls, played along.
So tomorrow we will probably pick up my new bed. Queen sized bed. Big bed! Big enough for two...if ya catch my drift.
Peace out Girl-Scout!
Love you!
Next Blog.
So for some creative ideas I decided to spam the "Next Blog" button at the top of the screen. Not really the best idea I have ever had. I'm a teenage dude in a Older Womans environment. Oh dear.
I'm going to make up my own estimation here but I would say that 9/10 blogs are by women who are married. I'de steep to say 19/20.
While spamming the "Next Blog" button those were the only types of blogs I found. "Just married and telling our story" or "first child and telling our story" or "LETS GET CRAFTY!". Yikes! And here I am, a teenage dude, just telling random things that happen to me. I am outnumbered. So realizing how many housewives have blogs I thought to myself "I don't want to read those, and they don't want to read this" thus making the ability for blog growth slim. Now if only I had the smarts to figure all the cool stuff out to make my blog pretty epic, but I don't.
So how will I get more people to follow me...this is always my question. I guess I could steal all of "Mormon Bachelor Pad"'s ideas, but that wouldn't be cool.
So while I go brainstorm you sit back and relax.
Peace out Girl-Scout!
Love you!
I'm going to make up my own estimation here but I would say that 9/10 blogs are by women who are married. I'de steep to say 19/20.
While spamming the "Next Blog" button those were the only types of blogs I found. "Just married and telling our story" or "first child and telling our story" or "LETS GET CRAFTY!". Yikes! And here I am, a teenage dude, just telling random things that happen to me. I am outnumbered. So realizing how many housewives have blogs I thought to myself "I don't want to read those, and they don't want to read this" thus making the ability for blog growth slim. Now if only I had the smarts to figure all the cool stuff out to make my blog pretty epic, but I don't.
So how will I get more people to follow me...this is always my question. I guess I could steal all of "Mormon Bachelor Pad"'s ideas, but that wouldn't be cool.
So while I go brainstorm you sit back and relax.
Peace out Girl-Scout!
Love you!
This is a WoW players worst nightmare! What we all dread. That Tuesday where Blizzard shuts us all out and goes to work. Sure it may bring something really cool, but most of the time problems come up and we can't play at all that day. From 6am to noon is a lie. We usually get kicked out till 3 pm!
This is maddness!
So as you might be able to tell I am a WoW nerd, I have only mentioned it thousands of times, and I will explain what exactly content Tuesday is and why we WoW players hate it.
So Blizzard made the game World of Warcraft as a Massivly Multi-Player Online Role Playing Game, M.M.O for short. So every M.M.O needs new things to make people want to keep playing the game. So there are little things like a small bug fix patch or huge things like a whole expansion to the game. Right in the middle of those two is "Content Tuesday" or aka "Server Maintenance". Now I don't know how they chose Tuesday but every patch, bug fix, maintenance day, ect. is on a Tuesday. Not every Tuesday but they always fall on a Tuesday. They might be once a month but I haven't payed close enough attention.
Now today being a Tuesday that means Server Maintenance is going on. So they shut down EVERY server, which there are maybe in the hundreds, and do a maintenance check. This is to make sure there are no glitches, bugs, or any problems in the game. It is schedualed from 5 am to 11 am PST, so 6 am to noon here in MDT. Thats not to bad if I have school or don't wake up till then or something of that sort, but when I hop on at about 9:45 and see that message, I have nothing to do.
"But Jason it's only till noon, that shouldn't be to hard" Well going to noon isn't hard, but it usually doesn't go till noon. There always seems to be some problem that they didn't see since the last patch they put out and now they have to fix it. All of a sudden ever server is working but our server. Then us and others get delayed till 3 pm MDT and it sucks! So thats how come Server Maintenance is horible. But the worst time happend late last summer. Same situation with Server Maintenance and all. Now Thrall (the server I am on) is usually pretty smooth running and we have one of the shortest waits out of every server, but not this time.
Me and my guild were all talking in vent because we were all waiting to get on and once and a while we would have someone check if the server is back up. This went on till about 4 pm and finaly someone said "Guys we are one of two servers that aren't back up yet and there is a message that says we won't be back up till 6 pm". This was the WORST Server Maintenance ever. We all got off and waited another 2 hours for the dang server to come back up. NEVER has Thrall been last on a Server Maintenance to come back up, NEVER!!!
So that is my rant today. I did it all while waiting for Server Maintenance to end.
Peace out Girl-Scout!
Love you!
This is maddness!
So as you might be able to tell I am a WoW nerd, I have only mentioned it thousands of times, and I will explain what exactly content Tuesday is and why we WoW players hate it.
So Blizzard made the game World of Warcraft as a Massivly Multi-Player Online Role Playing Game, M.M.O for short. So every M.M.O needs new things to make people want to keep playing the game. So there are little things like a small bug fix patch or huge things like a whole expansion to the game. Right in the middle of those two is "Content Tuesday" or aka "Server Maintenance". Now I don't know how they chose Tuesday but every patch, bug fix, maintenance day, ect. is on a Tuesday. Not every Tuesday but they always fall on a Tuesday. They might be once a month but I haven't payed close enough attention.
Now today being a Tuesday that means Server Maintenance is going on. So they shut down EVERY server, which there are maybe in the hundreds, and do a maintenance check. This is to make sure there are no glitches, bugs, or any problems in the game. It is schedualed from 5 am to 11 am PST, so 6 am to noon here in MDT. Thats not to bad if I have school or don't wake up till then or something of that sort, but when I hop on at about 9:45 and see that message, I have nothing to do.
"But Jason it's only till noon, that shouldn't be to hard" Well going to noon isn't hard, but it usually doesn't go till noon. There always seems to be some problem that they didn't see since the last patch they put out and now they have to fix it. All of a sudden ever server is working but our server. Then us and others get delayed till 3 pm MDT and it sucks! So thats how come Server Maintenance is horible. But the worst time happend late last summer. Same situation with Server Maintenance and all. Now Thrall (the server I am on) is usually pretty smooth running and we have one of the shortest waits out of every server, but not this time.
Me and my guild were all talking in vent because we were all waiting to get on and once and a while we would have someone check if the server is back up. This went on till about 4 pm and finaly someone said "Guys we are one of two servers that aren't back up yet and there is a message that says we won't be back up till 6 pm". This was the WORST Server Maintenance ever. We all got off and waited another 2 hours for the dang server to come back up. NEVER has Thrall been last on a Server Maintenance to come back up, NEVER!!!
So that is my rant today. I did it all while waiting for Server Maintenance to end.
Peace out Girl-Scout!
Love you!
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