My Ways

This is my story, Not yours!

Nothing but the truth!

Friendship is key!

Amendment #1 baby.

Don't get involved!


Well I'm torn on what to write about. I could write about my "bucket list" which is freakin amazing! Then again I could write about the list of people who hate me for reasons that seem a little unfair in my case. THEN I could write about the dumb-fut WoW night I just had...but that subject is not to be discussed on this blog...just mention...I have another blog for WoW.


Drum roll please!

What is 'brief description of one and two'?


OK my bucket list is probably the most waked out totally the shiz not really to a point bucket list out there.

In a brief list I have items like

I have to sue someone

I have to "invent" glow in the dark edible watermelons

I have to own a Corvette or else my life won't be complete

I have to star in at least 1 well known movie

I have to get married

and last but not least on my brief description, I have to die in a black hole. Now of course that HAS to be the VERY LAST thing I do on this list.

I have others, but those are the main ones. Pretty epic huh?

Now onto the "Let's hate Jason for reasons that can be rather lop-sided reasons of hating Jason"

APPARENTLY I piss people off REALLY easily without trying to and having no intention to. Like the newest moment I had of adding someone onto "the list". (Names shall remain secret to the public view for safety reasons. Please do NOT ask who said people are because I WILL NOT answer names so said people won't hate me more. Though this post will OBVIOUSLY spark contention with some people I feel I have the FULL RIGHT to state MY SIDE of said situations. Viewer Discretion Advised. Thank You)

So at lunch one one day where the sun was shining and everyone was happy and we all LOVED each other so much and everything was "Chip Chip Cheerio" soon...SOMEHOW...turned south fast.

Person A "So I got a 14/20 on an assignment so I asked the teacher if they could change it to a 20/20 and they did"

Me "Well that is dumb! If I were to be a teacher and some kid comes up to me and complains about a grade THEY EARNED and doesn't totally destroy their grade I would dock them. 'Oh you got a 14...well how does 13 sound...maybe 12...'. I mean honestly if THEY EARNED AND DESERVED that grade then by all means they shouldn't come up to the teacher and complain for 6 POINTS. I honestly would not tolerate that if I was a teacher. No offence Person A but I would lower your score if I was the teacher."

Well I went on and on talking about if I was a teacher how I would run things and I had Kyron totally agreeing with me. (I say his name because he won't get mad). So I kinda turned away from Person A to talk to Kyron and we went over how we would run a class. Well APPARENTLY Person A got offended by my words and behind me was talking to Person B and how they were all offended. Person B tried to defend me but Person A got offended.

Now I AM Sorry if I did offend Person A. I had no intention to and I was talking in a general sense, not specifically to you. I'm cool if you raised your grade with by asking the teacher, I'm just saying I don't think it is really fair if you did get a 14/20 and just asked to raise it. And if I was a teacher, to which I am not, I think I would lower a grade if a kid did that. Life lessons, you (in a general sense no specifically to Person A) can't always get exactly what you want just by asking, and if you aren't satisfied with what you actually earned maybe you can do better next time and strive to achieve perfection, because in a real world you can't just say the first day on a job "BOSS! I need a 6 dollar raise because I am not satisfied with what I get". It is a learning experience of "OK I would like to do more, so what should I do? I should do my best and work my hardest to have my boss realize that I am a hard worker and deserve that raise for my hard work"

It's all about what you earn.

So next story on my list deals with Person C and a never ending spiral down that started with a musical, and a crush...also Facebook.

(EXTREMELY long story that I shan't go into detail about)

Well at the end of this little romance things ended badly, words were exchanged, "eyes were open", and Person C hates me FOREVER. I don't exactly blame Person C for being mad for a little while...but for how long it has been going and for what Person C does, I start to think "OK my Immature radar is going crazy".

OK it's one thing if you semi avoid someone for a while then get over it. It's another if you TOTALLY avoid someone and never get over it. THEN! It is TOTALLY ANOTHER thing if you TOTALLY avoid someone, start telling secrets to people about someone whenever you see them, AND take people out of a group they are talking to and tell them about the person.

Ya! Person C will literally take someone out of a group of people I'm talking to and tell secrets about me and how "annoying" I am. Not once, not twice, not even three times, BUT COUNTLESS TIMES! Not only do they say one thing, not two things, not even three things, BUT COUNTLESS THINGS about how I'm "annoying".

Look, I can be annoying sometimes, but I wouldn't call it annoying, I'd call it outgoing and extremely social. So when practically couldn't live without me for 7 months and then magically say I'm annoying when I didn't change at all then you have UBER FAIL PROBLEMS! The Fail DPS that can only pull 1.5k. The Noob tank with 3.6k GS and can't hold aggro worth his life. The "OMG that was the healer" Healer that can't keep a tank up during a trash pull of 2.

When I start describing you with WoW terms it has to be one extreme (good) or another (bad)...just guess at what extreme I'm talking about.

I wouldn't be so bugged if you weren't so immature for everything.

In the end I get hated for stupid reason.

Person A: Dislikes me
Person B: We are totally tight and they always have my back. Also no drama comes from them =D
Person C: Is acting WAY to immature about things and honestly needs to move one and get off your dang high horse!

Sorry if I make you upset but if you were a little slower to judge then I would have no reason to be writing this peace of blog nation.

Plus I joke a lot so don't take things too serious too fast, I only joke and rant because it is a way to express myself...I'm the joker ranter kid...that's why I blog.

So I REALLY hope these issues, and a bunch of others I did not mention, can be resolved and I just want to be friends.

Also spell check finally came onto my blog post page, and boy is it helpful! =)

Peace out Girl-Scout

Love you!


  1. As person "A," I was seriously considering just keeping my silence about this post, but you're so far off the mark I just have to say something, even though my mom says to ignore you.
    1. I did not ASK her or WHINE to her to change my grade. Here is what I said, and I quote:
    "Hey, Mrs. B? I only got 14/20 on this assignment and I really want to do better. Can I come in after school to redo it and maybe get some more points?"
    HELLO! You weren't listening, obviously.
    Don't speak to me about hard work, because you don't know how much more time compared to you that I spend at the school. And in my book, WoW is not work, and is actually pretty much a waste of time.
    Kyron was trying to talk to Tyler and not to you, but your yelling (which you do when you can see that no one is listening to you spew random crap that you don't know about) made him uncomfortable.
    Person B agrees with me. Completely. You don't really have a clue about how she feels or what "side" she's on, because nice as she is, she doesn't really want to deal with you.
    I can't say much for person C, but it seems to me that the problem could be that you HAVEN'T had your eyes opened. If you continue acting in this strange way, I would understand if everyone completely ignores you. I'm getting there myself.
    OH! But as you say, "no offense."

  2. Have you apologized to person A yet? You know you owe her an apology. Love - Mom
