My Ways

This is my story, Not yours!

Nothing but the truth!

Friendship is key!

Amendment #1 baby.

Don't get involved!

My seestor!

So me and my seestor are sharing our love for each other. She is my favorite sibling of all time, even though she is my only sibling, but if I had another brother or sister I would love her more.
Early in life we hated each other and were at each others throats 24/7. But those times changed when I was going into Jr. High. She realized I had no idea of how to do things and so she taught me, she raised me, and she loved me. I learned sooo much from my older sister in that year and thats the only reason I actually have friends, from her advice. Soon after that she became my best friend. I can say anything to her! We have so much in common.
She is basically the most epic fasion-er ever! And she is B-E-A-UTIFUL! She probably has multiple boys lined up to gain the curage to ask her on a date. But I need to aprove of her husband, and I have my plans. I really want the best for her, and everything she does. I love her sooo much and want her to know it.

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